A responsible partner at your side…
We believe in our role at contributing to a virtuous ecosystem which governs our choices: Putting the customer at the center of our decisions, developing human capital and respecting Human rights, acting with loyalty and responsibility towards our partners, and being environmentally responsible by proposing audacious and ecological solutions. By working with MS, you have a loyal and responsible partner to build a better tomorrow.

Our company is ISO9001: 2015 certified.
Certificate n°FR037502-1 obtained in septembre 2017, has been renewed in July 2023 !
This policy is supported by a robust Quality Management System, which we are constantly improving.
This system is based on effective processes and tools, in accordance with the ISO 9001 norm.
It is also a guideline for our objectives and is deployed across all our departments.
Please refer to our Quality Policy.
In addition, MS is committed to a demanding policy of risk prevention and has proven this by implementing a Health and Safety Policy on every site.