MS has been asked by Vinci Construction in 2012 to propose a solution for the treatment of the effluent arising from the construction activity of the Odéon Tower in Monaco.


With its height of 170 m and its 49 stories, the Odéon Tower is the highest construction in the Principality, showing the return to high-rise buildings in the confined territory of Monaco.

Designed by the architect Alexandre Giraldi, the foundations of this prestigious tower began in September 2009, and was fully completed in September 2015.


Customer bill of specifications

The analysis of the effluent from the excavation of materials showed a maximum concentration of solids of 25 g/l, of which 10 gr/l remained after desanding. The aim of this plant was then to separate these solids in suspension, so as to get a residual concentration of 30 mg/l in the water after treatment, allowing its discharge in the environment.

A treatment of the pH by addition of acid has also been necessary because of the presence of concrete wastewater in the seepage water of this construction site. The range of pH allowing a discharge into the environment had to be between 5.5 and 8.5.



This uncommon construction work, to be completed in a very short period of time, brought to light several technical constraints, such as the confinement of the site and its location, which lead the contractor to implement a strict environmental policy. The principality made it necessary to set up a site water treatment facility for the remediation of the wastewater from the materials excavation works.


Data analysis

… Or the recommendation of the MS technical and sales team!

Vinci Construction called upon MS, who, thanks to its know-how in liquid/solid separation solutions, has provided guidance to the Vinci team and has proposed this innovative concept: design, manufacture and install a mobile site water treatment unit, which could easily be implemented on such a construction site.


MS solution

MS developed a compact mobile site water treatment unit, which could take up to 60 m3/h containing 600kg/h of solids after desanding, and which includes the following processes:

  • Scalping and desanding the incoming water flowx
  • Buffer volume to regulate the flows and the concentrations
  • Coagulation/flocculation of the desanded water
  • Pressing of the sludge
  • Additional filtration
  • Treatment of the pH by addition of hydrochloric acid



This unit, delivered on a rental basis including relevant technical services, ensured during 15 months the treatment of the Odéon Tower site effluents. Today, dismantled and refurbished in MS workshop, ready for a new rental or supply contract, this facility has highlighted our commitment to respond to environmental issues and water treatment. The scale of this project, its technical constraints and its innovative aspect have made it a flagship project in France and in MS.


The +

The unit is made of 4 blocks, pre-assembled and pre-wired in our workshop: desanding block, buffer volume block, clarifier block, and technical room.


Lifting on the job site center

In the particular case of the Odéon Tower project, MS ensured a trial assembly in its workshop so as to guarantee a trouble free transport, an easy and fast erection on site and an efficient commissioning on site.

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