You have to reconcile team safety and boring, budget control and planning, together with environmental excellence. Technical and logistics challenge, as well as exceptional human adventure.
Why work with MS ?
Because an STP (Slurry treatment plant) is not only a separation plant, but above all a vital link to master the slurry and therefore ensure the safety of the boring process.
Your unique project is treated as a source of opportunity. With several dozens of references on all continents, we will find the optimal solution and the associated services together with a commitment to performance throughout the duration of the job:
- Custom design and implementation
- Patented tools to adapt to all geologies
- Daring solutions for water and materials management
Case Study
Slurry Treatment Plant
Remanufacturing : From short-lived constructions... up to new durable plants !
Remanufacturing by MS
Discover our Slurry Treatment Plant sector
Lyon (France) 2020-2021
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